Relational Health

Our Accidental Christmas Tradition

We didn’t set out to start a tradition

Truth is I can’t even remember how it all got started. All I know is that we invited our families over to our house for Christmas breakfast.

Then we opened it up to some family friends who didn’t have any local family.

Now it’s an open invitation to pretty much anyone who wants to come and we LOVE it.

We love having a big crowd of people in our home. We love the opportunity to give people a sense of family that might not otherwise have that on Christmas morning. It has truly become something that we look forward to every year.

Why is it so special?

Why is this event so special? I mean it’s such a simple thing, yet it has come to have so much meaning for my family. In fact, I’ve learned that the others who come look forward to it at least as much as we do.

So, why is it so special? I think it’s special because relationships matter.

Relationships matter and this is an opportunity to be with people who matter to us.

Why do relationships matter?

Relationships are one of the 6 Pillars of a healthy, happy life. Just like the other 5 pillars, if we fail in this one it becomes so much harder to build the healthy, happy life so many of us are trying to build.

I hope that this holiday season you’re able to build up the relationships you have with the people that matter. I know that this can be a very difficult time for many of us.

If you’re ready to start building better relationships on your journey towards building a healthy, happy life, download my Healthy, Happy Life Assessment for Nurses today to get started.

What are your favorite Christmas traditions? Leave a comment below and let me know.

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