This Week’s Highlights
The latest from the Blog and YouTube, Top TikTok videos, and News from the Cruise
Episode 4: My Journey
In this episode I share about my journey of learning to take better care of myself, where I've come from, where I am now, and where I'm going.
I Could Walk Up the Stairs
On this journey, we should celebrate even the small wins. Here's one for me.
My Journey, June 6, 2022
Weekly update of my journey to learn what it means to take better care of myself, June 6, 2022.
Starting in June I'm challenging myself to move more and I'm inviting you to Join me. LET'S DO THIS
My Journey Beings
I'm a journey to learn what it means to take better care of myself and on a mission to bring as many nurses with me as possible. Here I share the beginning of…
5 Tips to Help Nurses Get Better Sleep
Sleep can be a struggle for many nurses. Here are some tips that can help.
4 Self-Care Habits That Can Help With Depression
Depression was one of the top 10 barriers nurses gave for self-care. Here are some ways that self-care can actually help.