My Journey

My Journey Update

It’s funny how things change when you are as sick as I was, and spend 5 days in the hospital.

My mind says I’m good to go.

In my mind, I’m recovered. My brain tells me that I’m good as new and can get back to life as usual. My brain lies. The reality is that, while I’m making great progress with my original issue, healing well, and feeling pretty good, I still have a long way to go.

The site of the infection and surgery seems to be doing quite well. However, I am still not fully recovered.

Singing is a workout

Yesterday I went to church. Not a big deal, but it was the first time I had been in several weeks. While singing I could feel my heart beating. So, I go to my handy dandy AppleWatch and turn on the heart rate feature. The reading was 117! All I was going was just standing in one spot singing. I mean, I know I’m overweight, but before all this, I could at least sing without my AppleWatch counting it as an exercise session.

The truth is that, while I’m feeling much better, my endurance still has a way to go to get back to where I was before all this.

Progress report

After 2 weeks of very little appetite and a hospital-controlled diet, I had lost 15 pounds by the time I got out of the hospital. This meant dropping from 332 pounds to 307. As of last Monday, that’s where I was. I figured I would probably pick up a little bit of that weight once I got back to eating more normally. Still, I didn’t want to end up back where I started. So, I’ve been fairly diligent to track my calories and have started walking in my neighborhood.

So, as of this morning, I’m at 309 pounds. This means I did pick up 2 of the pounds I lost, which I’m ok with.

Now to get back into it.

How is your journey to a healthy, happy life going?

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