
You have what it takes to make that change

The law of inertia

This morning I was thinking about the law of inertia. Yes, I’m a nerd like that.

If you’re unfamiliar, the law of inertia states that an object at rest tends to stay at rest until acted on by an outside force.

This came up in a message from my personal trainer Chris Foy. He has a program specifically for nurses called Strong Nurse Academy. He’s awesome and you should really go check him out. If you want a peek at what he does and who he is, I interviewed him on my podcast and you can listen to that one HERE.

Anyway, I’ve been pushing really hard on my exercise and nutrition goals and am starting to see some consistent progress. He made the statement that I had busted through inertia.

In other words, I had to push long enough and consistently enough to overcome inertia and actually get started moving.

Sometimes you’re the object

The thing about inertia is that sometimes you’re the object at rest. Sometimes there will come an outside force that pushes you and causes you to start moving. However, it doesn’t have to be that way.

The force can come from within.

The force to get you to go from a resting state to a moving state can come from within you. In fact, I’d argue that it’s already there, you’re just not using it.

In other words, the force needed to make the change you want to make is already within you.

For me, that change is improving my physical health. For you it might be mental health, relational health, or one of the other Pillars of the healthy, happy life.

Whatever the change is, you have it within you to make that change.

So, what is it?

What is the change that you are wanting/need to make? I’d love to hear it, reply to this email and let me know.


Matt N.

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