I’m better than I thought, you are too
I'm my own worst critic. I know I'm not alone in that. Turns out, I'm doing better than I thought. You probably are too.
Podcast Episode 7: Rediscovering You
In a nursing career, it's easy to lose yourself along the way. That's what I discuss in this episode.
Habits for a Physically Healthy Nurse with Chris Foy
In this episode I interview my new Australian friend, personal trainer Chris Foy.
Who Are You?
Building the healthy, happy life you deserve starts with taking time to reconnect with who you are.
Healthy, Happy Life Assessment for Nurses
To build the healthy, happy life you deserve you have to know where you are starting. This tool will help with that.
Stretching for Nurses
Stretching is so important. Here are some great one's from a professional trainer, specifically for nurses.
Episode 5: 12 Tips for Leaving Work at Work
In this episode I cover 12 methods you can use to help separate work from home.